Find the Common Thread

Yesterday Matt and I went to a local farm and we met this sweet dog, Trooper, who had only one eye. Matt’s compassionate heart showed through as he wanted to hang out with this sweet guy.

As Matt pet him, I got down myself to pet Trooper and look at this sweet face. As we pet Trooper, I was reminded of my invisible wound which many days I forget about until it’s time to brush my teeth. Yet I think this week God is reminding me of my wound as the other day I met two people who had lost their legs, one in combat and the other to gun violence. How do I know that?

Because when I see people with visible wounds, or even Trooper, I feel an immediate connection with them, and when appropriate, I ask questions and listen to their stories.


Because I am not whole physically either. Our stories are different but the thread of connection draws me in as I know I can learn from their story.

The truth is, we are all wounded in some way, but not all our wounds are visible, or physical. Yet if we take time to listen, we can learn from each other’s stories.

Whatever your wounds are, or your story is, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

When we keep our stories hidden, they can become a dark room in our hearts we never let light into. I pray today may be the day we can pull back the curtain of those rooms in our hearts, and let light in. May we consider sharing our story with someone today, even just with God, to help in our healing. May we trust that if God has this wound as a part our story, that He will use it, in time, maybe even to help someone else going through a similar experience. And may we trust, if we choose to let someone in besides God, that He will place a compassionate soul, like Matt, to be beside us to listen.

And the next time we walk by someone, or an animal, with a visible wound, may we find that common thread between us and meet them with compassion, just as we would like to be met with if our wounds were visible.

With love and hope,


Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.

- 1 Peter 3:8

Renew Our Minds

Does anyone else pull into their driveway and once everyone else is out, you sit alone in silence?

Like many of you, my afternoons and evenings are spent behind the wheel driving my kids to and from various activities. As I sit in solitude and silence today I am reminding myself that one day I will miss this. I will look back at these times and wish I had someone asking me to take them somewhere or calling/texting me to come pick them up. I will miss the brief yet nourishing conversations I get to have with each of our kids. I will see the empty calendar on the fridge and remember its fullness.

If you can relate, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we step back away from the busy to see the brevity of this season of shuttling our kids here and there. May we take the moments of solitude and silence when we get them to renew our minds and perspective so the next time we turn the car on, we are more present with those beside us. May we do this so when we look back one day, we have gratitude for making the best of these times rather than looking back and wishing we had not wished these times away.

With love and hope,


Teach me to number my days so I may gain a heart of wisdom. - Psalm 90:12

There is Another Side to Pain

Yesterday I was walking around and I felt something sharp on the bottom of my foot. It wasn’t constant, but being on my feet all day, I would feel this uncomfortably sensation and at one point thought, “it feels like I have a piece of glass in my foot.” I went through the day walking around with the discomfort. When I got home and took my shoes off, I realized I literally had a piece of glass in my foot all day

Why did I not check earlier?

I have no good explanation for you.

But as I reflect on it, I realize sometimes we cannot control the pain we experience, but sometimes we can.

If you are experiencing pain in your body, mind or soul, invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

If we have a choice to not experience the pain, may we be wise enough to pause and assess so we don’t cause ourselves unnecessary pain, like I did.

If we don’t have a choice, may we draw close to God to help us, and reach out to those He put beside us to help us through to the other side.

And may we remember there always is another side to the pain

With love and hope,


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

When Busy, Pray

Whether we are walking through a busy season or a challenging season, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we make the time to pray. This choice will help renew our minds, transform our hearts and equip us with what we need for the day ahead.

And if you don’t know where to begin, you can start like I did 13 years ago simply asking, “God, are you there?” From experience I can confidently say, He will answer, in time.

May we be patient as we pray, trusting He hears us. And may we be sure we not only talk to God, but like in any relationship, we also pause to listen, so we can hear Him when He answers.

With love and hope,


Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. - Romans 12:12

Our Story Magazine Spring Issue

Do you need some fuel for your soul?

Our Story Magazine’s spring Issue is out and it’s a beautiful read to give you inspiration and hope

It is an honor to be among these beautiful writers and to get to share my new article, The Breaking: From Darkness to Light, with you.

To order a copy visit:

Also, to learn more about the writers and the magazine follow Our Story Magazine and visit their website to learn how to get the online version if you prefer.

I pray the words on these pages bring a renewal to your soul this spring season.

With love and hope,


See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. - Isaiah 43:19

Follow Truth

Do you ever feel stuck sometimes?

I do.

With all that is happening in the world, and in the lives of people we love, or our own lives, sometimes I feel stuck in between emotions. For example, I find myself hesitant to write something positive on here some days because I don’t want those hurting to feel like I don’t see them and hear them. And those days when I have something heavier to share, I hesitate to write as I don’t want to bring someone who is joyful down. So then I just don’t write. I don’t think that’s the solution as I know I love hearing other people’s hearts daily, good or bad, but the reality is, I get stuck sometimes.

If you too have found yourself at times getting stuck in some way, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we recognize that God doesn’t want us to be stuck or have our emotions to lead us. Instead He wants His truth and peace to lead us. A verse I lean into a lot is “may the peace of Christ rule your heart.” In this verse I see that when emotions rule my heart, they take me on a wild ride. Yet to live in His truth and peace gives me and grounding I need, with greater clarity. Our emotions are a blessing and we are to experience them, but if we find ourselves stuck living in them, I pray we can lift our eyes up vertically to where our help comes from so we can gain wisdom on how to get unstuck in our horizontal living.

With love and hope,


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.

And be thankful. - Colossians 3:15

Harness the Hurt

Tonight at Matt’s school there was an event that encouraged the students to spread kindness. This thoughtful organization was started by a mom who lost her son. She took her hurt and chose to harness it to spread kindness to others.

I share this today to shine a light on this wonderful organization and to recognize that so many organizations were started from someone harnessing their hurt to make a difference in the lives of others.

If you have a current hurt, or past hurt, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

I don’t know your story but what I do know is that we all experience trials in our lives. Tonight I was reminded that when we take our hurts and harness them to make a difference, it will not only help others, it will also help us heal.

With love and hope,


To learn more about this organization visit: @bensbellsct

All things work together for good to them that love God,

to them who are the called according to his purpose.

- Romans 8:28