Pray for Others

Today we were having lunch outdoors at a restaurant when a man, who I presume was homeless, came by our table. He asked Matt who his Mom was and Matt pointed to me. The man, who held flowers one hand and flowers and a bottle of alcohol in the other, came over to me and handed me these flowers. I said, “thank you” and he started saying the Marine Corps motto, “Semper Fi.” When he was finished I thanked him for his service and he came over and gave me a fist bump. I said, “God bless you” and he stopped for a moment and his face looked grateful. He said, “yes, please pray for me,” followed by a quick story about his wounds from his time of service. I told him I would pray for him and before I could say more he was on his way with the other flowers and bottle of alcohol in his hands.

I share this with you because this man simply gave me flowers today and he asked for nothing in return but prayer. How beautiful is that?

A dear friend just said to me yesterday, “A burden shared is divided and a joy shared is multiplied.”

And so I share the joy of this man’s actions in hopes it inspires more of us to do selfless acts of love with nothing behind them but to make someone else smile. Also, I share this with you to invite you to…

pause. breathe. pray.

And to join me in praying for this generous wounded veteran who is did this random act of love today. May we pray for his healing, inside and out, and that a path back to solid ground is made for him, and that he take it. And while we are at it, may we also pray for all veterans, that their visible and invisible wounds be healed, and for all those who are doing their part to help veterans in their healing.

With gratitude and hope,


Be Honest with Yourself, and Others

One day this week our kids and I had a picnic at one of our favorite places. While we were there some of us took pictures, others drew or painted. Moments here with my family are some of my favorites, as we grow still in the beauty of nature, we talk or sit in comfortable silence, and we make memories that fuel our souls.

As lovely as moments like these are, it’s still messy.

Ants crawl over our legs while we eat, crab apples fall on us, paint ends up in places it doesn’t belong, unnecessary bickering happens, etc.

I share this because as beautiful as life is, the truth is, it is messy too. And to be transparent, I’ve been having random messy days for a while now. Not every day, but I have random days scattered into my weeks where anxiety and depression call my name. Simple tasks feel like I’m moving boulders, self talk is nothing I would ever say to another soul, and the love coming my way is blocked by an unseen barrier I pray goes away whenever it happens.

I don’t share this for pity but to be real with you, as I know I’m not the only one who has these struggles. I want to write and share my heart yet I’ve expected myself to always have something encouraging to say when the reality is, some days I am just trying to show up for myself and my family and I don’t have capacity for more than that.

I even struggle writing this after the good news I received last week because all is well with me physically…yet the truth be told, mentally I have these random days when I am not well.

If you don’t know what I mean, I thank God for that and pray you never understand. If you know what I am talking about, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we be willing to admit to ourselves when we are not well within. May this truth not shame us but be a stepping stone to our healing. May we be willing to share our hearts with someone, even though it may be like trudging through mud to do so. And may we trust that God is our helper and will lift us up out of the pit and put us back on solid ground again and again and again until we stay there. Let’s hold on to hope and reach out for help when we need it. May we give thanks for the good days we experience and be willing to acknowledge the messy. The messy is not who we are or how God wants us to live but there are so many things that fuel the messy. May we be intentional and directional to fight this battle for our minds with every resource we have, especially with God. I know He is good and will help us win the battle. He has helped and guided me through this time and time again, and I wholeheartedly trust He will do the same for you too. I pray each day that the beauty in life is more potent than the messy for us, like it was that day having a picnic in the park with my kids.

With love and hope,





Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. - Philippians 4:8

Palms Up

Yesterday was my scan day in Boston. As I laid & prayed on the mri table, I held the call button in my left hand & extended my right arm out on the table with my palm up. I have done this at every scan over the past five years, & did it as well during my treatments five years ago.

Why do I do this?

In God’s word, it is written, “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand & says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” - Isaiah 41:13

When I lay down, I don’t know what the outcome of the scan will be. Will the cancer be back or will I get more time to live cancer free?

To help me fight through the unknown, I open my right hand & picture Jesus in the room with me holding my hand, reminding me I am never alone in this journey, or any other.

As I sat in the room waiting my my doctor to give me the results, I sat there heart thumping yet with my palms up again. “For better is one handful of tranquility that two hands grasping at the wind.” I repeatedly shared my hearts desires with God but also trusted Him no matter the outcome.

When the doctor came in & shared the scans looked good a wave of gratitude washed over me.

(I know not everyone gets the same results so may we keep those who scans aren’t clear in our prayers)

I am sharing this today for anyone walking in the unknown of any kind. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

Even when we may physically be alone, may we remember we are never alone. May we open our right hand as an invitation for Jesus to hold our hand and join us on the journey. He wants to help us but will never force his presence upon us. He’s the gracious friend waiting beside us, loving us, respecting us where we are, and will be there for us anytime, any day, in every way.

I know this is a little out there to picture Jesus sitting beside us. I share this as someone who didn’t really believe in God over a decade ago. Yet as someone who gave Him a chance & invited Him in, I can say, His love & Word are transformational & have helped me over & over & over again- & I wholeheartedly believe the same will be true for you too.

Palms up.

With love & hope,


Experience the Simple Joys

His joy is contagious.

This week I’ve been a bit paralyzed by the unknown as my scans are on the horizon. Yet when I watch Matt ride the waves with joy, I am reminded that God doesn’t want me to be paralyzed in the fear of the unknown but wants me to experience the joy the day has, even in the wait.

So yesterday I got off my chair and grabbed a boogie board and had a blast with our family in the water.

I share this today to say to the person who is stuck in the fear of an unknown right now, or is going through a hard season, I get it. Sometimes I stay stuck and other times I’m able to break free and live.

If you can relate, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we ask God to help us keep our eyes fixed on Him, above the waves of the unknown. When we are able to do this, there is a freedom within to live the day more fully. God will help us trust Him with our circumstances and give us the fruits of joy and peace, in place of the fear and unknown, that will allow us to experience the simple joys in life, like I was able to do with my family yesterday, and pray to be able to do again today. And I pray the same for you too.

With love and hope,





May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

- Romans 15:13

Set Realistic Goals

Gav and I have been going to the batting cages a bunch this summer. He was focused the other day on getting 10 out of 10 in one of the drills he was doing.

He was getting close but would miss one and then start again. We had to leave the cages to go to an appointment so I lowered the goal for time sake. He was still determined to get 10 out of 10.

I heard myself say, “focus on progress, not perfection.”

Have you ever said something to your child, or someone else, and you realize the message is for you too?

After saying those words I felt like God whispered to my heart, “practice that yourself too.”

Admittedly I am a perfectionist. Not in that my house or car are clean, because they are often, especially my car, a disaster. But I expect a lot out of myself each day and when I don’t meet my goals, like Gavin, I am hard on myself.

Can you relate? If so, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we stop trying to be perfect and set realistic goals for ourselves. Stephen always reminds me to say what I did do that day rather than focusing on what I didn’t accomplish. And like I did with Gavin, may we set realistic goals for our timeframe so when we walk away we have gratitude for the progress we made rather than beating ourselves up mentally for not being perfect.

God says in his word to practice his word, not perfect it, so if God isn’t expecting perfection from us, why are we?

With love and hope,





Put into practice what you learned and received from me, both from my words and from my actions. And the God who gives us peace will be with you.

- Philippians 4:9

Breaking Open

In my heart I love to garden but my practice of gardening hasn’t always been successful. This year I tried going smaller and have had more success, with the exception of deer getting to some of plants.

Whenever I go out to water or harvest, I am amazed at how all of this started from a seed. Recently I read something that intrigued me, how falling apart is different from breaking open.

When something falls apart, it breaks into pieces yet when something breaks open, something new is bound to grow.

If a seed is in pieces, it won’t grow but if it breaks open, look at what happens.

And the same principle holds true for me, and you.

If you ever have felt like you’re falling apart, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

When we are in moments where we feel like we are falling apart, may we shift our words. Instead of thinking like nothing will get better may we consider saying, “I am breaking open for something new to grow,” and invite God into the brokenness. May we trust He will help something new grow in His time, as He did here with a seed.

With love and hope,





See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. - Isaiah 43:19

Experience Kindness

Yesterday I was pulling into a parking spot and a guy got out of his car and waved at me to stop. He proceeded to move this shopping cart to be sure it wasn’t in my spot. It wasn’t really in my way but he made sure it was completely out of my path. Then he got back in his car.

That was it.

Here was a guy who was sitting in his car who chose to get out and help someone else just because, and for no recognition.

Acts of love, no matter how big or small, make a difference in the heart of the giver, and the receiver.

I’m sharing this with you today because this simple act of love warmed my heart and I hope it warms yours too. In this world where what is wrong in the world is amplified, I believe it’s important we still shine a light on the love that flows, no matter how big or small the act of love is.

I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

A prayer I pray over my family daily is that we choose to live out love to those along our path throughout our days as a light of God’s love to others. Also, that we are open and willing to receive the love God has put along our path each day. I share this prayer with you as an encouragement. In this world where what is going wrong is trying to grab and hold our attention, may we instead choose to give our attention to looking for ways to live out love towards others and keep our eyes open to the love God has out along our path, like I was fortunate to experience by the kindness of this man yesterday.

With love and hope,





You reap what you sow - Galatians 6:7

Quiet the Noise

These words really captured my heart and have inspired me to be more purposeful about what I fix my eyes and ears on each day. I am seeking to experience less noise and instead be more present and have greater clarity within.

I’m sharing this quote with you in case your head has a tendency to be noisy as well. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we remember what we put our eyes and ears on is what will either turn up the noise, or quiet it. May we be intentional and directional, fixing our eyes and ears on what will quiet the noise within, beginning with our time with God.  From there, may we focus on what will keep the quiet within so we are more present with those we are with and we have greater clarity in our head, and in our days.

With love and hope,





Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…

- Hebrews 12:2

Go Slow

I don’t know about you but I often can overcomplicate life, for example, I am wonderful at overthinking and staying busy. And this year going back to teaching, I left myself little margin for anything else but doing.

My head was filled with constant chatter where sadly at times I would be with my family and someone would be talking to me but my head was so noisy I had to ask them to repeat themselves. Not only did I lack margin in my brain space but I held myself to strict schedules leaving little room for being and writing, which nourish my soul.

When I stood in this place on the Dingle peninsula in Ireland I felt free and spacious, not only in the physical sense but within. Here I stood with God and vividly saw that less is more.

This moment brought me back to when I was diagnosed with cancer. One day I pictured myself sitting on a hillside watching the trains of society fly by and God spoke to my heart, “you’re off those trains now. Be with me and I’ll show you a better way.”

And I experienced His way where less is more, where peace rules hearts and minds, where living out love is the key to unlocking joy within no matter the circumstances.

This year I had hopped back on those fast trains.

Yet what God is revealing to me, again, is that I am not a passenger on the train, but the driver.

And with that humbling wisdom I am sitting with God, in a more spacious place, this summer. I am praying about how to drive a slower train this year - or hop on a bike instead. I pray to find a pace in life where my mind is quieter and I hear my family when they speak, where I say no to what is unnecessary even when it’s hard to do, where I spend more time with God throughout my day instead of in my circling thoughts.

If you can relate, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we make the time to be with God everyday. And may this not be a checklist item on our to do lists. May we spend our quiet time with God but also remain in conversation with God throughout our day; giving thanks, praying for the people we encounter in our days, asking for wisdom about a problem we have, listening to God, etc. May our relationship with God be the strong thread woven into the fabric of our days. May we do this so that even when life tries to make us feel like passengers on the fast trains of society again, instead we experience what it feels like to be with God on an Irish countryside where His Truth speaks clearly to our hearts and we have freedom and spaciousness within.

With love and hope,





“…pray without ceasing…”

- 1 Thessalonians 5:17