Your Presence is A Gift In Itself

today is a special's Gavin's 16th birthday!!! When I think about Gavin, I think about the calm, witty, thoughtful, Mets loving teen I get to call my son. I am so grateful for Gavin in my life as he has taught me many things, such as going slower in life and being patient are blessings, and being present is a gift in itself.

You see, 6 years ago I wasn't sure I was going to be present to share in Gavin's 10th birthday celebration. I was scheduled for treatment that day and a gracious person, Chris, offered to switch his treatment time with me so I could get home to surprise Gavin. And surprised he was!  His reaction was so sweet, and being there to celebrate him was so special.

Above is an old picture that holds that memory for me that I will always treasure.

In this world where there are so many things we can give one another, sometimes we think coming empty handed to one another isn't enough. Yet there is a real gift given, and received, when we can arrive in front of someone empty handed, with nothing but ourselves, and when we are welcomed as we are. 

I share this today to celebrate Gavin's special day, and to invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™ 

Giving physical gifts is thoughtful and fun, trust me, Gavin opened some this morning. Yet may we remember that being present for, and with, one another is a real gift we can give one another, whether it is on each other's birthday, or any ordinary day of the week.  There is something real beautiful when we can arrive, and accept one another, with empty hands, and open hearts, like Gavin showed me on his 10th birthday.

With love and hope,


P.S. If you'd say a prayer over Gavin, and his new year, which will include getting his license, I'd sincerely appreciate it!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above... -Jame 1:17

A Day to Remember and Give Thanks

This is a home we pass every year on our walk to the Memorial parade in town.

One day a person made a choice to enter a profession where they chose to serve others.

When they made this choice they chose the mentality of “you over me.”

These men and women put the interest of others before their own.

They woke up and chose to put themselves as the barrier between harm and safety to protect others.

They lived rich lives, not that they were paid well, but they were rich in love; living life at its deepest purpose, to love others above self.

They lived simply and sometimes didn’t sleep so others, like you and I, could.

They chose to walk towards the battle, not away from it.

Some came home, others did not

Today, please join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we remember those who sacrificed their life in service to our country. We don’t know their names but God does. May we give thanks for each person who gave their life, so that you and I get to live as freely as we do today.  And may we remember, the freedom we haven’t isn’t meant to serve self, but God meant for our freedom to be use in service of others. May we be inspired by the selfless service of these men and women who gave their all, and wake up each day choosing to live with a heart of service, as they did. 

With respect and gratitude,


For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

-Galatians 5:13

One of the Hardest Things to Practice...

Do you ever have a challenging moment, or a day, you just want to press rewind and play out what happened differently? I have, and last week I had a moment like that. 

Unfortunately in life we aren't given a rewind button or the opportunity to erase those moments. Yet what we are given is the opportunity to sit with God, and His Word, to help guide us in how to move forward from those challenging moments we experience. The one word that I come back to when I sit with God is forgiveness.

Forgiveness is healing. 

Whether we need to forgive ourselves, someone else, or both, forgiveness is a bridge to freedom for our souls. 

Forgiveness doesn't mean we have to make ourselves vulnerable to the same hurts again, nor does it give us permission to go and say/do again what we said/did that we need forgiveness for. Most importantly forgiveness helps make us right with God. It also humbles us when we ask for forgiveness, which is an important character quality to live out. Forgiveness also frees us from needing someone to ask us for it because we can give forgiveness, without being asked for it. Forgiveness frees our souls, and whether that person ever comes around to ask for forgiveness from us, or not, we no longer need what happened to negatively impact us.

As we enter this week, may we take time to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we pause to ask ourselves if there is anyone we need ask forgiveness from and/or anyone we need to forgive, whether they have asked us to forgive them or not. May we choose to sit with God so that we are better equipped to practice forgiveness this week. Forgiving ourselves. Forgiving others. Just as God forgave us to set us free, may we also forgive to bring freedom to our souls. 

With gratitude and love,



“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.

Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

-Colossians 3:13

Let Your Light Shine

There is something about loss that helps me see more clearly. It cleanses the fogged lens I can look through and reminds me that I get to be here today, and that you get to be here today.

What will we do with this gift of life we have?

This week has helped me take a look in the mirror and see that I am holding back in life. I have allowed fear and doubt to take up mental space in place of faith and freedom. I have listened and believed fear and doubt’s voices, and I have sat on the sidelines in life in many ways for too long now.  

I was reminded of a moment a number of years ago when I saw two candlesticks sitting on a shelf in my dining room. They were from our wedding well over a decade before. What struck me about the candles is that I never used them. I was waiting to light them for…well, something. After I saw them sitting there on the shelf unlit after all those years, that night I lit those candles.


Simply because I could.  And in lighting them, I was reminded that God’s word tells us that we are a light in the world.  In Matthew 5:15, we are reminded that lights are not meant to be hidden but to shine and give light to the whole house. Just like my unlit candles, sometimes we don’t live out our purpose and instead hide the light that God has put in us. Today, let’s choose to let God’s light shine bright in us and through us, through out words and actions. And like those candles, which were made to be lit, may we remember we were made on purpose with a purpose. Our purpose is to love God and love others with God.  We are called to be a light in the darkness. Let that truth be our guiding light today, which will help us snuff out the fear and doubt, and allow us to use the gift of this day to brighten our own hearts, and the hearts of others, just as my friend spent her life doing.

With gratitude and love,

Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.

-Matthew 5:15

Thank you, Mom

She walked around as she cradled me in her arms.

She walked behind me encouraging my first steps.

She tucked her feet beneath herself as she taught me to pray.

She has faithfully walked beside my father for over 50 years.

She lovingly walks beside my brother, sisters, and I guiding us with her love, wisdom and care.

She joyfully walks beside her grandchildren, teaching them and inspiring them with her love.

She patiently walked beside each of her students as she taught them, encouraging them in their strengths and building up their weaknesses.

She carries the burdens of those she loves yet is never weighed down by them, as she never fails to walk beside us to lift us up.

She has walked beside many through the valleys, along the plateaus and stands beside us to enjoy the hilltop views.

She is always there, if not in person in Spirit, walking beside us, loving us, and praying for us, and our steps.

Her own path hasn’t always been smooth yet her faith has always guided her through.

Her feet never tire because she walks in love.

Thank you, Mom for always walking beside me. I pray to walk in love beside others, especially my own children, as you so faithfully do.

Happy Mother's Day - to every Mom, and Mom in heart.

With gratitude and love,

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

-Proverbs 31:25-26

The Gift of a Rainbow

On Friday morning, a beautiful soul went to heaven. Many of us in our community are mourning the loss of a sweet, faithful friend who courageously fought her battle with cancer for years. On Friday evening, our town was covered by this beautiful double rainbow. When I saw this rainbow, I couldn’t help but think of God, and our dear friend.

In the Bible, God used the rainbow as a symbol to remind Noah of His promise. The rainbow wasn’t a sign just for Noah, but was for all future generations since- including us - to be reminded of God’s faithfulness. Therefore, the rainbow serves as a reminder that God is faithful and His promises are true. Because of this, when I saw this rainbow, it meant to me that our friend was now fully healed and well, with Him.

Seeing the rainbow didn’t make the sadness of losing her go away. Yet there was a comfort that came in knowing I can trust His Word in this time, and in any time. And this rainbow gave us joy on a day where joy didn’t seem accessible, just as our selfless friend would want for us.

Even though we believe in God and His promises, it doesn’t mean we won't experience the sadness and grief we all have to go through. Yet the gift of this rainbow serves as a reminder for us to look to Him, and His promises, to help us through. This is easier said than done, as grief is heavy. But I witnessed the faith of my friend give her strength and peace to help her through the past few years, and I know she wants us to lean on Him too.

I share this with you today because the world lost a bright light this week in our community and it’s a hard loss to reconcile. I am not sure what is going on with you today, but maybe there is something you are having a hard time reconciling with too. I invite you to join me too…

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we look at this rainbow, and any rainbow we see moving forward, and be reminded that it is a gift from God and serves as a reminder of His everlasting covenant with us. No matter what we are having trouble reconciling with in our hearts and minds, may we trust in His promises to help us through, just as my dear friend did. 

And before you go, I have a favor to ask of you, please choose to live out love today in memory of sweet, loving, selfless Val, whose love shined brighter than the sun and keep her husband and two teens in your prayers. Thank you.

With love and hope,


Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting

covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
- Genesis 9:16

How to Grow Contentment?

We had a ton of rain this weekend. In the break of rain yesterday, I walked around to see if any of the seeds we had planted were growing. I saw this little one and it brought so much joy to my heart. Seeing this little bud popping up was a reminder to me that sometimes it's not the big things in life we need to celebrate, but keeping our eyes open to the little moments we can celebrate is enough. When we are able to celebrate the little things, we will have more contentment in our hearts, as we are living aligned with God's design for us, to be content within, no matter our circumstances.

This morning on the radio, this point was reiterated to me when I heard a story. There was a man who won $10 on a scratch off lottery ticket. Rather than cashing it in, or buying more lottery tickets with the money he won, he went down to the local lottery office. Once there, he asked to have them take his picture with a large check in his hand made out for $10. And they did it for him! Rather than thinking the $10 wasn't enough, this person chose to celebrate what he had.

I know sometimes I forget to celebrate the small things. Can you relate?

If so, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

This week, may we keep our eyes and ears open to the little things that we can celebrate, that we may often overlook. Maybe it's noticing we get to open our eyes each morning, have hot water in our shower, we have food in our fridge, gas in our cars, extra clothing in our closets, shoes on our feet, etc.  Maybe it's noticing the people around us we get to share our days with, the hugs we give or receive, the people we get to share a meal with, the text from a loved one - even if it's about nothing - that we still get to hear from them today, the "I love you's" we get to say to those we love, etc. Maybe it is the sun shining, the greener grass from the rain, the trees blooming, the flowers growing, the sounds of a stream flowing, etc. May we pay attention and celebrate the little things this week so that we, like the man who won the $10 lottery ticket, will see that celebrating the small things will grow more  contentment in our hearts today than waiting for something bigger to come our way.

With love and hope,


P.S. If someone came to mind when you read this who you believe would benefit from hearing this message, consider sending this encouraging message their way!

I am not saying this because I am in need,
for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

- Philippians 4:11-13

What Can We Give?

Recently I was at the store and I was bought some flowers for our kitchen. When I arrived at the checkout line, I had an overwhelming feeling to buy flowers for the woman who was checking me out. It didn't make sense, and I knew it would be awkward to randomly give her flowers, but I placed my items on the belt and said I needed to run and get something. I went and picked out flowers and rushed back to the line. When I arrived back she saw the flowers I had in my hand and said how beautiful they were.  When I told her they were for her, she paused and said with a questionably look, "are you serious?"  I told her again that they were for her, just because.  The look of joy on her face was priceless and brought my heart so much joy, more than the flowers I bought myself did.

After I left, I processed the experience and there were two main takeaways:

  1. May we be willing to do something that God puts on our heart, even if it seems strange and may be awkward, not knowing how the person will respond.

  2. May we remember that there is much joy that comes in that act of giving, especially when it is unexpected and where there is no expectation of receiving something in return.

Today, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

As we enter this new week, may we acknowledge all the things we are desiring. May we pray that God keeps our desires in check and gives us eyes to see, and ears to hear beyond ourselves. May we also make a commitment to God, and to ourselves, that when we get an unexpected prompting to live out love, no matter how strange it may seem, may we live it out and trust that by doing so we are doing our part in living out God's love, and shining a light of love, into the hearts of others for Him.

With love and hope,

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesushimself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
- Acts 20:35

Margin Helps Growth

We hosted our families for the first time and it was so fun gathering everyone at our home! We did some yard work to prepare and when we were in the front yard I noticed the tulips we planted in the fall were growing. When I saw the tulips growing side by side, with the space in between, it reminded me how the seeds need space in order to grow. When seeds are planted too close together they can inhibit one another from growing.

Margin helps growth.

This made me think about life. 

I have been noticing for a while now there are many distractions in my life that I can give my time and attention to that aren't helping me grow into who God made me to be, and distract me from the work I am meant to do. At times I feel like I am living wide and shallow rather than narrow and deep.

Can you relate?

If so, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we take a step back to look at the full picture of what our days look like. Are we overcrowding our mind and days with some things that are unnecessary and inhibiting us from growing into who God made us to be? If so, what are a few of those unnecessary things?

Sit for a moment - maybe listen to the song of the week - while you answer that question.

A couple of unnecessary distractions for me are my phone and social media. For a while now I have been making sure my phone is plugged in when I am home so I go to it when I need it, and I have been off of social media since the new year. Creating margin with these two choices has been refreshing for my mind, and soul.

I'm not trying to tell you to make these same choices. But I am encouraging you to ask yourself, "what is one thing I need to stop doing this week to help create more margin in my mind, and life, so I can live more fully as God designed me to?"

Like seeds that are planted too close together, when we overcrowd our minds and lives with unnecessary things, they will entangle us from growing into the person God made us to be, and inhibit us from doing the work we are called to do. May we be willing to create margin in our minds and lives by turning away from those unnecessary distractions that inhibit our growth. Instead, let's choose to grow deeper roots with God, and pray to grow into the people He made us to be.

With love and hope,

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
- Romans 12:2

Sometimes the Answer is No

This weekend the boys and girls basketball teams from Kate and Gavin’s high school were in the state finals. The girls came back from being down at half time and won! The boy’s team was up by ten or more most of the first half yet in the second half the other team came back strong. It was back and forth for the second half and we ended up being down by two with 0.8 seconds to go. We had the ball and were able to get a shot off, but unfortunately we missed and lost the game.

On the ride home, one of our kids said, “I prayed at the end of the game, and God didn’t answer my prayer.”

I heard what he was saying.

When we turn to God for prayer, we expect Him to answer us in the way we want Him to. Yet, as we know, that isn’t always the case.

Without trying to be too preachy, I shared with our kids something I heard last year. At every sporting event there are people praying for their team to win. The reality is God cannot say yes to both teams; one team will win and one team will lose.

So what do we do with that information?

God cares about each of us and hears every prayer and knows our hearts, yet like any good parent, God doesn’t always give us what we want. And when He doesn’t say yes to what we want, we have a choice, to turn away from God, or to draw closer to Him to gain greater insight and understanding.

I share this with you today because I know that our child is not alone in not having their prayers answered the way they’d like. I can relate to him. Can you? If so, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

When our prayers aren’t answered the way we want what is our natural reaction? Do we turn towards, or away from, God? Let’s answer this honestly.

I think for most of us, we may naturally turn away, consciously or subconsciously, from God. May we pray to grow in awareness of this truth. If we are turning away from God when our prayers are not answered the way we want them to be, may we instead practice turning towards God. Why? Because God is truly the only one who will help us gain wisdom and perspective to see the broader picture than what we see in the moment. He will help us see He has our best interest at heart, even if the answer to our prayers is sometimes no.

And I will be praying our child draws close to God too, even when his prayers aren’t answered as he wants them to be.

With love and hope,

" For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…”
- Ecclesiastes 3:1