live out love

Making Good of What Wasn't Good

I am grateful to the @csz_foundation for a fun night Friday night at the Wolfpack game and for what this foundation is creating for the youth in our community!

CSZ is a local non-profit that is focused on empowering our youth. CSZ stands for Connor Scott Zieky, the founders of CSZ’s son. Sadly their family tragically lost Connor to an accidental overdose when he was in his 20’s. They are harnessing their family’s story and have created the CSZ Foundation and a community center for kids in our town. The center is aimed to make a difference in the lives of other kids in town by having a place for youth to come to have fun, have in-person connection with peers, while also having engaging activities and mentors to support the kids.

I love the heart behind their mission and what they are doing for our youth, including for Matt.

I am sharing this because the Zieky’s family story is tragic…and powerful.

I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

Each one of us has a story. May we be encouraged by the Zieky family and how they are making something good come from their heartbreak. May we be prayerful about our own stories and when the time is right, let’s be willing to share our stories to help others, whether it is in a one-time conversation with someone, or by creating something to bless others, as their family has done.

With gratitude and hope,

Cycle for Survival

Thank you @bravelikegabe for this wonderful opportunity at @cycleforsurvival Boston to raise awareness and funds for @memorialsloankettering and rare cancer research.

Thank you also to all who donated and helped our team raise $5000🙏

Also, thanks to this amazing team, and to all those with us in Spirit💙🙏🎗️

And for those who pray, please pray for Pat’s family who recently lost her sister, Sue, to ACC and for Sue, Greg and Jen who have new treatments starting soon, and for all those in the fight and their loved ones beside them. Thank you💕🙏💕

With love and hope,

World Cancer Day

Today is World Cancer Day. Even though cancer has been behind me for 8 years, it will always be apart of my life - as I walk beside others and do my part to raise awareness and funds for research for rare cancers like ACC, Adenoid cystic carcinoma.

On Saturday I get to participate in @cycleforsurvival in Boston. And in recognition of World Cancer Day, donations made to my Cycle for Survival page are being matched dollar for dollar. Rare cancer research is underfunded, and people diagnosed with these diseases often have limited to no treatment options - which people like Sue, Greg and Jen on my team know first hand.

That’s where we come in.

Together we can help the researchers and scientists at @memorialsloankettering have the resources they need to uncover new cancer discoveries that lead to lifesaving breakthroughs. 100% of every dollar raised goes to research within six months of the close of Cycle for Survival fundraising.

If you’d like to join me in this mission to beat rare cancers, and double your impact on World Cancer Day, you can donate HERE until March 1.

Whether you send prayer or dollars our way, we appreciate what you are able to do in this fight against rare cancer.

With love and hope,

8 Year Cancer-versary

8 years ago today (1/25) a tumor was found in my nasal cavity that was growing into my palate. Later that week I was diagnosed with an incurable rare cancer, Adenoid cystic carcinoma. I am beyond grateful to be here 8 years later and am considered NED, no evidence of disease.

I am sharing this because I made a commitment to myself to use my cancerversaries for good. I wholeheartedly believe our stories are meant to be shared so that we can help those next in line.

Below is a list of available resources I’ve created to help those with cancer, and the loved ones walking beside them. The link to them is available in my bio.

- FREE pdf with 30 tips for people newly diagnosed with cancer
- FREE pdf with 25 ways to support a friend with cancer
- Pause. Breathe. Pray. Podcast season two is encouragement for cancer patients.
- Our Struggles Have Purpose 55+ Life Lessons from my Walk with Cancer book

Feel free to pass these resources and links along to anyone who needs encouragement on their cancer journey.

Be well and God bless.

With love and hope,

Honor One Another

Something funny happened with one of my kids and I was tempted to post about it because I know so many people would be able to relate. My son laughed about what happened too but when I asked if he was okay if I posted about it he said no. So I’m not sharing the story.

But I am sharing this to say, before I post about my kids I ask them. Why? Because it’s their story too. Also, my relationship with my kids matters more to me than any amount of likes I could get.

Although I was tempted to post the story, I was reminded short term freedom (posting) can lead to long term struggle (my kids not trusting me) and short term discomfort (not posting) may lead to long term freedom (a stronger relationship with my kids).

I am sharing this today to invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we make choices with our words and actions that build our loved ones up, not tear them down, online or offline. May we begin with the broader picture in mind to give us wisdom to know what to say and do - or not say or do - in the short term. Temptation is real, yet God will always give us a way out, when we seek it - like He did by my talking with my son and choosing to honor what he was most comfortable with.

With love and hope,

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
- Romans 12:10

8 years alcohol free🙌

I am 8 years alcohol free🙌

I wasn’t much of a drinker to begin with but when I was diagnosed with cancer I made the choice to not drink alcohol again, and I haven’t looked back.

Here are 8 lessons I’ve learned since I stopped drinking…

1. Just because I enjoy the taste of something doesn’t mean that it’s what I need to consume or that it benefits me.

2. The more layers in life I take away the more I get to know the real me.

3. A fun time doesn’t have to include alcohol.

4. People who love you will accept and honor your decision, if they even notice.

5. When we make a choice for ourselves we shouldn’t impose it on others, instead meet others where they are with love.

6. Water, tea and coffee are enough for me.

7. I have never found in a drink what I experience in prayer.

8. I’m a cheap date😉


God will let you know

I hadn’t taped a podcast since October. I was debating to keep going or not and last week got back at it., even though it felt like trudging through mud. This season of the podcast is to encourage cancer patients. In the episode I taped last week, I spoke about two uncomfortable but healing steps to take when diagnosed.

One of the steps was to do what you need to do. And for me one thing I needed to do for myself was to video tape a message to each of my kids before my surgery. At the time Kate, Gavin and Matt were 10, 9 and 4, so in the message to each of them I also sang a specific song I use to sing for each of them when they were babies.

Thankfully my kids never had to watch those videos but it was something I felt I needed to do to have peace in my heart before surgery. And the funny thing is now the sound of my voice is likely more like nails on a chalkboard to them in this season of parenting, not soothing to them like they were when they were babies.

Anyways, why I am sharing this is the next morning after I taped the episode, I went outside and this was the sky I saw. And in Kate’s baby song I sang “cotton candy clouds against the blue, that’s the kind of day I wish for you.” Seeing this beautiful sky confirmed for me to keep going with the podcast- even if it helps only one person- I will finish what I started so that people with cancer can be encouraged through their diagnosis and through their treatments.

I am sharing this today in case you know anyone with cancer who needs encouragement, feel free to share my podcast with them (have them start at season 2). Also, if you feel lead to do something and it’s hard work and you feel like giving up like I do some days, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we stay disciplined and diligent and trust God will let us know if we are in the right path, or not. May we rely on Him for what we need and trust He will use what we are doing, in time for good, whether we see the outcome, or not.

With love and hope,

PS: HERE link to the podcast to the episode I mention above 💗

Only Light Can Drive Out Darkness

This morning on our walk in the darkness, the light of the moon and our headlights were our guides. It reminded me of the MLK quote, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.“

If I allowed the darkness to dictate my choices, I’d miss moments like this. Instead I am prayerful to not allow outer circumstances to dictate the posture of my heart and mind and determine my choices.

It’s not easy. It’s actually very natural for me to allow my emotions to lead me. But if I do that, I end up living with more fear, worry, regrets, etc. instead of living as a light as we are called to be.

Can you relate?

To be the light we must have the light within us to give.

“It’s the light in the lantern that shows the path, not the lantern.”

I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we make time to be with God today and allow God’s Word to fill us with light, love, truth and hope. May we allow that to be what dictates the posture of our hearts and minds so that we can be the light we are called to be.

And if the darkness feels overwhelming, I get it. May we guard ours hearts and minds and purposefully keep our eyes and ears on what will fill us with light and give us hope to anchor our souls. And if you’re having trouble, remember it’s a strength to reach out for help.

With love and hope,

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 1:5

The Cause Continues...

Yesterday I ran for Pat, one of my @bravelikegabe teammates, and her sister Sue. Pat was on our team in honor of her sister, Sue, an ACC warrior. Pat shared Sue’s story with us, and her heart and love for her sister was evident in all she said.

This week Pat shared with us that Sue has passed away. Another ACC family member gone too soon.

I share this today because the marathon has been over for months yet the cause behind it continues, to raise awareness and funds for rare cancer research so that warriors like Sue, and sisters like Pat, have more time beside their loved ones.

In memory of Sue, and all others we’ve lost in our ACC family, and those who are in the fight, our mission continues to raise funds for researchers to find viable treatments and a cure.

On February 8th, some of our Brave Like Gabe team will gather again for @cycleforsurvival in Boston to continue our mission to raise awareness and funds for ACC research.

If you would like to contribute to our mission, please visit HERE. As always, no amount is too small as every dollar makes a difference and I wholeheartedly trust one day, with your help, there will be a cure for ACC. Please keep Pat and Sue’s family in your prayers. Thank you🙏

With care and hope,

The Power of 'Yet'

Tonight after Matt’s guitar lesson he said he was trying something new but didn’t get it down.

I followed up with “yet, you didn’t get it down…yet.”

He smiled and agreed. “I didn’t get it, yet.”

This moment reminded me that the things we need to know, we will get -often in time and with practice. And the things we don’t need to know, may be things we never get. And I have no doubt Matt will get the new thing he’s trying because he is dedicated to practicing.

I share this with you today in case you may be like me and Matt and have a new skill or habit you don’t have down…yet.

I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we trust we will get the new skill or habit down in time - not by sitting around hoping - as hope is not a strategy. But by putting in the time and effort. And if we aren’t intrinsically motivated to put in the time and effort, may we pray for what we need to push through, if we need to at all. And may the power in the word “yet” give us hope, as it did for Matty tonight.

With love and hope,