The Other Side of Fear

The other day I was helping out at a ropes course. There was a girl who wanted to do the high elements but was also terrified to do it. We encourage the kids that each challenge is a choice. As this girl stood at the bottom of the cargo net to climb up to the high elements I reminded her she could go now, later or not at all, the choice was hers. With tears in her eyes she started climbing. She climbed and climbed and climbed. By the time she got to the top she was in tears, hesitant to climb onto the platform. She paused for a while but eventually got onto the platform where she stood shaking. The instructor beside her once again offered her options, to come down or to do the high elements. She didn’t decide right away but stayed up there watching others do the high elements. In time, she did choose to do the high elements on the course. I couldn’t help but get choked up as I watched this girl conquer fear.

When she came down I smile and asked her, “how does it feel to be on the other side of fear?” She smiled and laughed saying, “great!” Then she floated away with her friends, light like a feather with all the burden of fear having been released.

I share this story with you because the reality is, we are all that girl in some way. Maybe our fear isn’t a climb up a cargo net to high elements. Whatever the fear is that we are staring, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we not allow fear to rule our hearts. May we trust that God is with us as we step towards what we fear and will give us the strength and courage we need to move through it and forwards. When we get to the other side of the fear, no matter how long that takes, I pray we too are transformed and feeling lighter, just as that courageous girl did the other day on the ropes course.

With love and hope,


Do strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go - Joshua 1:9

And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts - Colossians 3:15

Stop Trying to Keep Up

I am not great at keeping up with trends on the internet, laundry, emails, texts, and many other things in life. And the truth be told, even on our family hikes I don’t always keep up with these three. Yet I don’t believe we are meant to try and keep up in life. It’s like chasing the wind; something you can never fully grasp. Instead of trying to keep up with everything and everyone, maybe we are meant to let go of that mentality, and instead choose to be present where our feet are.

If you too have felt like you aren’t keeping up in life in some way, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we stop trying to keep up with the unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves, or others put on us. Instead may we practice being present where are feet are, step by step throughout our day. For when we are able to put this truth into practice, we may find we stop chasing the wind and instead start experiencing life.

With love and hope,


Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls chasing the wind. - Ecclesiastes 4:6

Listen to One Another

I always find crosses in nature but a friend of mine always finds the hearts. Recently I went to cut down this hydrangea from our front yard, and from this angle, it looked like a heart.

What I loved about this moment is that I was reminded that hearing one another matters. Being able to hear someone else’s story can open our eyes, ears and minds, to see, hear and think from a different perspective. And different doesn’t have to mean wrong or bad. Instead it is simply considering viewing things from a new angle that we are used to seeing things from.

I share this today as a reminder to myself, and for you in case you need it too, that we take the time to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we be quick to listen to others, and slow to speak. May we remember there is something we can learn from everyone. In this world that has amplified the importance of being heard, over listening to one another, I encourage us to enter each day with ears to listen. When we choose to hear one another, even though it may not completely change our perspective and what we see, it may open our eyes, ears and minds in ways we hadn’t seen before, like when I saw this heart in nature.

With love and hope,


Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger - James 1:19

Pour In Before You Pour Out

Before we pour into others, it’s important we make the time to fill ourselves up.

If you struggle with this at times as I do, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we make the time to fill up on God’s truth, love and wisdom each day. For when we do, it doesn’t just help us, but it benefits those around us too.

With love and hope,





For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. - Romans 5:5

It's What's On the Inside

Yesterday we went for a family hike. Matt always enjoys exploring beyond the marked path. We paused so he could do this small climb. As he started I said, “Matt, be careful on the moss, it’s slippery and your shoes don’t have great grip.”

He responded, “It’s not about the shoes, Mom, but the person wearing them that matters.”

With that said, all I could do was step back, agree and watch him climb on.

I share this with you in case you too find yourself on uncertain ground. May we take the time to…

pause. breathe. pray.

And remind ourselves, as Matt reminded me, it’s about who God made us to be that matters, and He will equip us from the inside out with what we need for the path ahead. Yes, sometimes what’s on the outside can help us but the truth is, what’s happening in our hearts and minds matters most. So I pray for you, and me, that we take time to be still with God, are reminded of who He made us to be, and we move ahead with confidence on our journey, as Matt did on our hike yesterday.

With love and hope,





But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.

- Jeremiah 17:7


Every year our ACC family comes together across the world on one night and shines light into the darkness. We do this in solidarity to shine a light in remembrance of every ACC brother and sister we’ve lost, in honor of each ACC family member in the fight, for every caregiver who stands/has stood beside us, and to celebrate those who are NED, no evidence of disease.

Tonight is the night we shine the light in unity across the world.

I share this with you in case you want to join us. I invite you to join us to…

pause. breathe. pray.

In this world where this much division, it’s always beautiful to shine a light on what can unite us. If you choose to join us, send me a pic of how you light up the world tonight, and I’ll share it with our ACC family so they can see your love and support. Thanks for considering shining a light into the darkness with us

With love and hope,


PS For those who are newer here, ACC stands for Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, a rare salivary gland cancer.

Step of Faith

School started this week but I decided not to go back to teach this year as I had anticipated to. The details are not just mine to share so therefore I won’t be sharing.

One truth I have learned in life is that “we make our plans but God directs (and redirects)our steps.” I am following where He is leading and am trusting He will lead me well, as He always does.

The other night at dinner we were around the table and I had mentioned that I was processing this change of direction. The next thing I knew is Matt placed this pencil and pad next to me. He said, “you always say writing is your therapy. Here you go, Mom, write.”

Ugh, I love this kid’s heart and that he reflected the truth to me that writing is my therapy. It is my way to process life. I often share some of what I write with others as I trust that whatever lessons I am learning God will use to help someone else too.

So today I wish well to all who are back, or who are heading back, to school. I will be taking time to sit with God, follow where He leads, and I’ll be writing as my therapy.

I share this in case you too find yourself being redirected, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we remember that God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and His ways higher than our ways. May we take a step of faith to follow Him and trust where He leads. And may we remember God can make good of all things, including a change in direction.

Here is to new beginnings

With love and hope,





We make our plans, God directs our steps. - Proverbs 16:9

How Can We Be Love In Action?

Today was Matt’s first day of school. Kate and Gavin have another week or so before they start. To my surprise they both woke up early to be able to send Matt off to school this morning.

Trust me when I say we have many messy moments in our home but this morning I saw a beautiful moment, I saw love in action as Kate and Gav chose Matt over sleep, not an easy thing for a teen to choose.

I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we look at those around us and ask ourselves how we can be love in action for someone who needs it today. And like teens sacrificing sleep to show up for their brother, may we recognize that being love in action may cost us something, but often it will be worth it

With love and hope,





…let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. - 1 John 3:18

Dear Kids and Teens

Dear Kids and Teens,

As you step into this new year, no matter your age, we want to remind you that we love you no matter how this year unfolds. You see our love for you is not based on your performance, on the outcome of your tests, or where you rank in your class. Our love for you is founded on seeing you as the unique person God made you to be and our hope is to encourage you this year to grow more and more into that person, as you refine your gifts and skills.

Please know we don’t expect you to be great at every subject and activity because that would be unrealistic of us. We are not great at everything ourselves so why would we expect that of you? The idea of being perfect is crippling so let’s promise to be two imperfect people who will make a commitment to do our best this year; you in school and me walking beside you through whatever happens. And when we fall short, which will happen for both of us, may we practice forgiveness and try again.

Also, just in case you forgot or don’t know yet, there are different types of smarts; some of us are more intellectually smart, others more kinethestically smart, others are more people smart, etc. We ask that you continue refine the areas that you’re naturally smart at and do your best in the areas that challenge you. And when you are challenged, please be willing to ask for help. Being able to do this is a strength, not a weakness. And know I will do the same. Let’s both commit to show up every day and give our best, support others around us to help them do their best, and have fun along the way as we do this. We know some days “your best” will look different, as does ours. May we take time to learn from the hard days, celebrate the good ones and remember we are all works in progress.

Please let us know how we can support you this year. Also, know when we support your teacher, it doesn’t mean we don’t support you. We are a team working together to help you learn and grow.

And always remember, you are loved for who you are, not for what you achieve. You are not a number but a child of God who was made with a purpose. Stay close to God, keep practicing the gifts and skills he’s given you, be willing to be refined where you are challenged and walk with your head up, knowing you are seen, heard and loved and God has plans for you this year, and beyond.

I love you and believe in you. May you go into this year loving and believing in yourself too.

With love and hope,

Your parent

Lay Down the Ladder

I took this picture years ago and I come back to it so often in my mind as a reminder to lay down the ladder.

What do I mean?

Often in life we unintentionally place people in an invisible ladder, tiering some above us and some below us. Maybe you haven’t, but I admittedly have. Doing this has never benefitted me, for when I put people above me I end up thinking less of myself and if I’ve tiered people below me, I’ve negated their true worth and value and put myself on a pedestal of pride, which is never wise to do.

You see, the more I learn about God, I see that He doesn’t have a ladder tiering us as people, one better or worse than another. I don’t believe He has a ladder at all but if He did have a ladder I wholeheartedly believe it would be laid down like this, placing each person beside one another. He sees each of us for who we He made us to be, and loves and values us as the individuals we are.

As I follow God, my aim in my days is to do my best to follow His lead and not place anyone above me, or below me, but see others as someone who is beside me in this life. I heard someone once say, “We are all children of God, He doesn’t have grandchildren.” This idea struck my heart and reminded me of my position in life, to be beside others.

I share this with you today as it’s on my heart, and to invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

If you too have placed others on a ladder, above or beneath you, or others have placed you on one, may we lay down the invisible ladder we, or society, has created. May we instead place ourselves beside one another. May we pray to see one another as God sees us and honor one another and build each other up into the people He made us to be.

With love and hope,





1 Thessalonians 5:11