Here is the other side of training for this couch to marathon- which often includes belly rubs for Georgia🐾
This couch to marathon journey has reminded me that taking care of our whole being matters. It’s not just the run, but the rest, and the stretching, strengthening and mobility work. Yet it’s not all about the outside. So much of the work is within my own heart and mind. The inner refinement is real in this process and although it’s not easy, it’s clearing out cobwebs that needed clearing and giving me a renewed perspective- not just of running but of life.
I share this with you in case any of you are finding yourself hesitant to try something new that seems challenging and uncomfortable, like I was. If so, I invite you to join me to…
pause. breathe. pray.
May we remember the inner work is the greatest work we can do, and sometimes to refine ourselves, from the inside out, we need to step out of our comfort zone and challenge ourselves, in mind or body. Yet when we do this, we just may find ourselves living out principles we are called to such as patience, perseverance, diligence and discipline, like this couch to marathon journey is doing for me. And even though the process isn’t easy, the progress and growth within is worth it.
With love and hope,
The Freedom Trail
Yesterday as I ran the 20 miles for my last long run before the marathon, I found myself gravitating to run on the double yellow lines.
It reminded me of the freedom trail in Boston.
Seven years ago while I was getting treatments in Boston my family came to visit and I caught this pic of my kids on the freedom trail. I walked on these line of bricks as often as I could in Boston and prayed for freedom. Freedom from cancer so that I could be here to watch my kids grow up and to grow old with Stephen. And I am so thankful for being here🙏
As I ran over the yellow lines yesterday, I gave thanks for being free of cancer and I also gave thanks for what this running journey has done for me, refining me from the inside out.
When I signed up to be a part of the Brave Like Gabe team to run the NYC marathon I had really been struggling internally. One thing I was struggling with was that I was constantly in the fight or flight response. For example, if I had a pain in my body, I would be triggered to think the cancer was back, and my body would go into fight response.
With running, I have experienced various pains. Yet when I have pain, like I did on the run yesterday in my calf, I no longer think of cancer first🙌 I have been freed of having that be my first thought which is huge for me!
I share this with you today in case you too have triggers and/or need to be freed from something like I did. I invite you to join me to…
pause. breathe. pray.
May we take time to reflect on and give thanks for things we have been freed from. And if we are currently struggling with something, may we pray to be released from it. And like these lines on the road, may we choose follow Jesus to help free us, in our minds, body and souls.
With love and hope,
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. - Galatians 5:13
Thankful for Iron Sharpens Iron, Friends Who Love at All Times Friends
One of my closest friends knows me better than I know myself. She signed up to do the marathon in Hartford tomorrow and encouraged me to do my 20 mile run beside her and have another friend finish the marathon relay and complete the last 6.2 miles.
Everything about this process overwhelmed me and I delayed signing up for weeks.
Yet that is precisely why my friend said doing this would benefit me - I could the take tomorrow as a trial run of being in a race setting before NYC.
I share this with you as a reminder that the people beside us who know us well, may say something like “sign up for a marathon relay” to which our initial reaction is “nope.”
Yet when the people we love and who love us say something, it’s important we take time to listen, and ask ourselves, “Are they speaking truth to us? Does what they say have our best interest at heart?” If so, maybe we need to pause before reacting and consider their suggestion, as I did.
If you can be quick to speak or react from an emotional state like I can at times, invite you to join me to…
pause. breathe. pray.
May we know our “iron sharpens iron, friends who love at all times” friends. And when they speak to us, even things we don’t want to hear, may we be willing to be quick to listen and slow to speak. For our initial reaction may not be the response aligned with what is best for us in the long run, like this experience I pray is for me tomorrow.
With love and hope,
Meet Paula and How Cancer Has Impacted Her Life
This is my best friend since Kindergarten, Paula. She is not one who wants attention yet her story is powerful, and another reason why I am running.
There is no one I know whose life has been more impacted by cancer than Paula.
When we were in first grade, her Mom, Debbie, was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. She was a warrior yet sadly the cancer came back when we were in college and her Mom passed away in 2000.
Her Mom was one of the most generous souls you’d ever meet, volunteering her time to our community like no other. Her presence was huge loss to Paula, their family and our community.
A couple years later, Paula’s Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Thankfully he is doing well yet she has lost others in her family, and a sister-in-law to cancer over the years.
When my mom was diagnosed with the same breast cancer as her Mom, Paula was calling to help get an appointment for my mom asap. And her help, I believe, is a main reason my mom is still with us today.
When I was diagnosed she was right there asking how she could help and coming to treatments with me.
A few years ago, her brother was diagnosed with a rare cancer. His cancer doesn’t have a defined treatment and they are doing what they can to help him heal. He is a warrior, as is Paula.
She is one who loves her people deeply, shows up and would fight the battle for you if she could.
I run for Paula, and all the other caretakers fighting the battle beside their loved ones, and in honor of her brother’s rare cancer fight.
I share this with you today as a reminder that even though someone hasn’t had cancer, it doesn’t mean their life has not been impacted by it.
I invite you to join me to…
pause. breathe. pray.
May we recognize how cancer impacts so many, including the children, the siblings, the caretakers, etc. May we grow eyes to see and ears to hear their stories, and honor how cancer impacts them too. May we do what we can to love and support them, as they support others.
With love, care and hope,
May Peace, not Fear, Rule Our Hearts and Minds
Although I’m smiling here I will admit that I have mixed emotions about the upcoming marathon. I want to be excited but admittedly am nervous.
One of the many lessons I’ve learned along the way is that the scarier path may be the right path for me, and you, but that doesn’t make it easy or smooth.
From the moment I found out I was on team @bravelikegabe for the NYC marathon, I had a wave a panic run through my body. If anyone in my family mentioned the marathon those first couple of weeks I would get the same wave of anxiety and asked them not to talk about it.
It would have been so easy for me to make up a reason to not do say yes. Yet when I looked at the heart of why I wouldn’t do it it’s because I fear not being successful at this. And once I swallowed that truth, I knew I had to step into it because I refuse to let fear make my decisions for me.
Although this isn’t an easy process, I will say by stepping out of my comfort zone, and by doing what scares me, I’ve grown in ways I never would have within had I stayed in my comfort zone.
I share this with you today in case any of you also have a path before you that is scary, unknown, and a less comfortable. If so, I invite you to join me to…
pause. breathe. pray.
No matter how we present ourselves to others on the outside, may we be honest with ourselves where we really are in our hearts and minds. May we acknowledge the fear yet instead of allowing it to rule us, may we turn to God’s word and pray “that the peace of Christ rule our hearts and minds.” And if we choose to take the scarier, less comfortable path, may we remember God has promised to be with us. It may not be easy, yet may we allow it to refine us, from the inside out, and allow it to help us grow closer to God, and into who He made us to be.
With love and hope,
A Beautiful View
There are many beautiful views in the world, but this view is one of my favorites.
It was a blessing to have the whole family back together for the weekend💝
I hope you had some quality time with your favorite people too.
With love,
There is Value in Rest
Today I completed 17.2 miles in honor of many in our ACC family, and beyond! Small deposits over time are adding up💙
After running and stretching, I went about the day and this afternoon I was so tired. It wasn’t until I saw my Brave Like Gabe teammate Kaila’s post about running and resting, with her dog Al, that I considered resting.
When I saw that second picture (above) I gave myself permission to rest. I cuddled up on the couch later today and dozed off.
Rest is a funny thing. I think I do it yet I also saw today how I don’t always give myself permission to rest when I genuinely need it.
And it’s not just about physical rest. Yes, physical rest is good yet it’s so important we rest our minds, bodies and our souls.
I share this today as Kaila’s post was a blessing to me and I wanted to pass it along to you in case you need the reminder to rest too.
I invite you to join me to…
pause. breathe. pray.
May we give ourselves permission to rest this weekend - our minds, our bodies, our souls. For when we give ourselves the gift of rest, it is will help us renew and restore what is needed, as my time of rest did for me today.
With love and hope,
Be the Light in the Darkness
Recently it’s been beautifully overwhelming to see love flow towards others in need. From the hurricanes to local events, there are people going through really hard times. Yet the light and love that shines towards the darkness is powerful, and transformative.
It’s so interesting to see in these trying times so many of the barriers that divide us are laid down and we see one another as the human beings we are. Judgements are laid aside and people come together for the common good of others.
I wish it didn’t take these hard times for us to do this. Yet may we see this, and learn from it. Let’s come together to…
pause. breathe. pray.
May we remember every day people are going through hard things, whether it’s visible to the eye or not. May we make a vow to do what we can to be the light of God’s love towards others, not just when tragedy happens, but every day. Yes, praying for others is helpful and may be all we can do at times. Yet may we also pray to be the hands and feet of Christ, loving others through our words and actions, providing for needs we see. We cannot help everyone and do everything, but we can help at least one person and do one thing to bring love their way, and shine light into the darkness of their experience💕🙏🕯️
With love and hope,
Wait with Joyful Anticipation
This morning I was walking with Georgia and she saw friends ahead on the trail and paused. She waited with such joyful anticipation at what was ahead. This moment was a reminder to me to be more like Georgia and to pause and seek what is good ahead with joyful anticipation.
I share this with you today in case you needed this reminder too. If so, I invite you to join me too…
pause. breathe. pray.
Not everything ahead is good, but there is good ahead of each of us. May we seek what is good and wait, or walk, with joyful anticipation with what’s to come, as sweet Georgia showed me to do today.
With love and hope,
Walk by faith
I took last week off from running to heal and I was suppose to have done 16 miles for my long run. This week I’m still coughing and although I got a short run in on Monday, my body is needing to rest a little longer. I typically would be okay with this yet I am at a crucial part in my training for the marathon. I know I won’t be breaking any records yet I want to finish what I started. But to be real with you, the doubts have been creeping in.
Tonight I had a thought that pushed back against my doubt. I had this deep seated belief that if God brought me to this marathon He will help me through it.
I’m sharing this thought with you because there are so many people I know facing hard things right now. I want to remind them, and you if you are facing a challenge too, that God is with you. I invite you to join me to…
pause. breathe. pray.
As this song says, may we…
“walk by faith
Even when we cannot see.”
May we trust the one who sees the invisible to do the impossible. May we put the outcome in His hands and take the next step of faith forward with Him by our side helping us through step by step, day by day.
With love and hope,