Yesterday we went on an incredible hike and on the way up I heard Matt say to Stephen, “Tree roots are interconnected and they support each other.”
Hearing Matt say this caused me to pause and reflect. Yes, trees are in groups and although they stand alone above the surface, beneath the surface they are interconnected which creates a strength of support.
This made me think about life and how being rooted in faith, family, friends and community have been a saving grace in my life. Yet the reality is, sometimes I forget to lean into those for the strength and support they provide and I go through my days more detached, like the tree we see above the ground.
Can you relate?
If so, I invite you to join me to…
pause. breathe. pray.™
May we remember God created us each uniquely while also to live connected with Him, and others. We are not meant to live above the surface on islands but live interconnected with Him, and others, as a source of strength and support for our lives. May we grow deep roots of faith and love, and be willing to be a source of strength and support for others as well.
With love and hope,