Rest for Our Souls

Last Thursday morning I was heavy hearted on my way to teach a children’s Bible study class. I was trying to focus on going through the verse of the week I was teaching the kids that morning rather than on why my heart was heavy. As I drove along I was reviewing the verse and then it hit me...

This verse isn’t just something I need to teach the kids. This is a verse I need to put into practice right now.

The verse is Matthew 11:28-29 which reads,

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

I was needing rest. Not as in more sleep kind of rest, I was needing rest in my soul that morning. And I wasn’t going to find rest ruminating on unproductive thoughts, by numbing out by scrolling on social media, or other ways - God knows I’ve tried.

I have learned that my soul finds rest with God.

So as I drove along, I no longer was focused on how to teach the verse that morning. Instead I was repeating the verse to myself as a reminder that I needed to go to God. I needed to take my weary and burdened heart to him. I needed to not try and process my thoughts alone but yoke with Jesus who wants to come beside me, and you, to lighten the heavy and teach us. And by doing this, I trusted in time, I would receive rest in my soul.

I share this today in case you too find yourself at times weary and burdened, seeking rest for your soul. If so, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we read this scripture aloud slowly and absorb the wisdom in it.

May we lean into this verse when we feel weary and burdened. Let’s put God’s Word into practice by bringing our honest hearts to God first, instead of where we usually turn. May we pray to yoke with Him, so that He will help carry the burden and lighten the heavy. Jesus will meet us with a gentle and humble heart and with wisdom. May we be willing to put our thoughts, ways and will aside and learn from Him. For when we do, in time, we will find the rest for our souls.

With love and hope,
