Happy New Year!

🎉Happy New Year!🎉

I thought I’d share a few lessons learned this past year in case any of them encourage you as we enter the New Year…

1. Let someone else say no, let’s not close the door on ourselves.

2. Sometimes we have to do the things we don’t want to do to get the results we seek to have.

3. Small deposits over time add up.

4. It’s amazing what we can do when the purpose is beyond ourselves.

5. Silence and solitude are great teachers.

6. Letting go is hard but essential.

7. Don’t compare ourselves to others, or expect others to be us.

8. We need to stop resisting what is good for us.

9. Growth is on the other side of what is comfortable.

10. When we’re tired we need to learn to rest, not push harder or quit.

11. Ruminating on negative thoughts is destructive, prayer is productive.

12. What God calls us to, He will help us through.

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed, healthy and joyful New Year🎉🙏🥳

With love and hope,