Receive the Love

(original message sent via email 7/31/23)

Thank you for all the thoughtful notes and prayers. I am still waiting on results so I appreciate your continued prayers.  While I was at my surgery last week,  something happened that I wanted to share with you, not because it happened to me, but because I wholeheartedly believes something similar is available for you.

Last week before surgery, I heard the nurse who was checking me in say to someone, "God bless you." I initially didn't say anything to her about it because people say that here and there just because. But after I heard her mention God for a second time to someone else I felt compelled to ask her if God was a part of your life. This lovely woman smiled and said, "Absolutely!" Then she shared with me how over the past couple of years she has been focusing on growing her relationship with God. It was such a blessing to me to be laying there before surgery and be able to have God be the center of our conversation.

Then, when I woke up after surgery, I was in a different room and had a new nurse beside me. I can't remember how our conversation began as I was waking up from anaesthesia. What I do know is my new nurse also was sharing with me about his faith in God and how important his relationship with God was to him, and his wife.  It was such a gift to not only have one, but two people beside me that day, sharing their stories about God with me.

Moments like this I call divine appointments, when God places someone along our path to remind us we are where we need to be and that God is with us on the journey. 

This isn't the first time God has placed people beside me and every time I recognize it, I am so grateful. Yet I am sharing this not because this happened to me but that I wholeheartedly believe that God places people beside you as well, each and every day.

God is with us and He goes before us, placing people along our path each day. We can learn from everyone we interact with, not just other people of faith. May we keep our eyes and ears open for the connections He puts along our way to remind us He is with us and has love along the way for us to receive.  And may we also remember, that sometimes we are the ones God is placing along other people's paths, and we get to be the ones who live out love for God, through our words or action, towards others along their journeys.

So as we enter this week, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

Wherever we go this week, may we remember to keep our eyes and ears open for the people God has placed along our path. May we also keep our hearts and minds open - and willing - to be the person to live out love towards someone else for God. May we give, and receive the love He has for us along the way each day, no matter how it comes our way, which for me last Monday, was two people of faith walking me into and out of my surgery.

With love and hope,


P.S. For more encouragement this week, listen to the NEW PODCAST EPISODE AVAILABLE BELOW!!!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,
for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
- Isaiah 41:10

A Little Help from My Friends...

(original message sent via email 7/24/23)

I am reaching out for prayer this morning. When you receive it this morning I will be prepping for a minor surgery. I have some left over damage from radiation that needs to be taken care of. While they are taking care of that they will also be doing a biospy. I will not know the results of the biospy for a week, or so.  If you would pray that I remain NED, no evidence of disease, and for my peace as I wait, I would sincerely appreciate it.

God knows the outcome of the biopsy, but as I mentioned in the email last week, it never hurts to ask God for what we want, and I am asking to remain NED. With that said, I trust God with the outcome, and pray for His peace, no matter the outcome.

As always, I am here to pray beside you as well. And honestly, praying for others is a blessing and a way I get to take my mind off of myself. So if you have a prayer request as well, feel free to send it my way this week, or any week. Our Live from the Inside Out™ community prayer requests are below. When you send your prayer request along, let me know if you would like me to add it to the list. Also, when you have time, consider taking a few minutes to join me in praying over these requests weekly. 

Thank you for your time and for praying with me to remain NED. I sincerely appreciate it.

With love and hope,


P.S. To be encouraged, listen to this week's NEW PODCAST EPISODE!


So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should entrust their souls to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.
- 1 Peter 4:19

Celebrate others the way they feel loved

Last week we celebrated Matt's 11th birthday! Matt is such a fun-loving soul and the night before his birthday he said, "Mom, why don't you take my presents and make me a scavenger hunt with clues to find them in the morning?"

It was already late and my initial thought was, "nope, I'm too tired," yet outwardly I smiled and said, "that would be fun." When it came time to put his presents on the counter like we normally do, I knew I had to make him a scavenger hunt. So with the help of the family, we stayed up a little later, created clues and made a scavenger hunt of presents around the house for Matt.

When Matt woke up on his birthday and came downstairs, he was so surprised and excited that his presents were not on the counter like they normally are. He turned to me with a big smile and said, "you did the scavenger hunt, didn't you?!"

Why did I do the scavenger hunt? Was it to please Matt? Partially, because making my kids happy feels good. But along with that, it is important to me that Matt knows he can share his heart with me, and I want him to know that he is heard. I want our kids to know that they can always ask me for what they want, and sometimes the answer will be 'yes,' but sometimes the answer will be 'no.'

More importantly, I want our kids to experience this is because I want them to be willing to ask God for what they want. They can learn through Stephen and I that it's always worth asking, yet they need to also learn that sometimes the answer is 'yes,' and sometimes it is 'no,' just like it is with God.

I share this with you today in case you you have something on your heart that you have yet to ask God for, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we remember that God hears each and every one of our requests.  He will not always say yes to us but that doesn't mean He doesn't want us to ask. May we prepare our hearts that we may not get what we want but trust God's 'no' has a greater purpose, that we may never understand. May we be bold with God, like Matt was with me, and share our heart's desires with Him. And may we rest in knowing we have done our part. Maybe the answer will be no, but maybe we too will wake up one day and be surprised to see that God said yes, like I did to Matt's request for a scavenger hunt on his birthday.

With love and hope,


P.S. For more encouragement this week, listen to this week’s NEW PODCAST EPISODE!

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

- Matthew 7:7-11

Lightness Of the Soul

In my time away, our family went away on a road trip to Nova Scotia. It was wonderful to be with my favorite people in a beautiful, new place. 

When arrived at our first stop on the trip, the sun was shining, the air was fresh and the scenery was beautiful and open.  The groceries were lighter, the rooms less cluttered, the number of belongings were fewer. I felt closer to God, and to the people who matter most to me.  

Why does it sometimes take getting away to get back to this place, where my soul breathes fully and freely? Where I am more willing to lay down the phone and pick up a book, turn off the tv and play games, do less and be more? Where doing the dishes and laundry are no longer burdens but a relaxing part of the day? 

Does the lightness in my soul come from being away from our home and all that it holds, with its extra things and responsibilities? Does it come from disconnecting from the larger circle of life we are a part of there? Does the lightness come from living with less things, being more present with those beside me, or from being in a rural place where God's creation is more visible than what man has made? 

Yet when our travels continued, we moved from rural spaces, to suburbs, to the city, and the lightness in my soul remained. 

It made me curious how that was possible.

As I sat with God each morning, I realize that I hold tightly to life, rather than allowing myself to flow with life, and His life flow through me freely consistently.  I subconsciously take control each day, even within seconds of spending time with God and giving the day to Him, I go back and grip onto my plans for the day.  Yet on vacation, we make plans but hold them looser, allowing the day to flow as it needs to, making space for time to do, be and rest.  Now that I am home, I have been reflecting on how to remain in this space within and not take the reigns back on life as we settling back into day to day life.

I share this with you today in case you too as seeking to live daily where your soul breathe deeply and fully, whether you are home or on vacation.  I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we recognize that we don't need to wait for time away to start living more fully and freely.  The true work to get there begins within our hearts and minds.  May we take time and give our attention to assessing how we live each day at home, and pray about what extras we need to let go to create that space we need in our souls today. May we approach our daily lives with the less is more perspective we carry with us into our time off.  Let's do this so that we truly start living each day with less of what doesn't matter to God, and choose to live more aligned with who and what do matter to Him, as I was able to with my family last week.

With love and hope,


But as for me, it is good to be near God.
    I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
    I will tell of all your deeds.

- Psalm 73:28

Be Flexible

As my family settles into summer mode, I am trying to find my rhythm and routines with Kate, Gavin and Matt home. I don't know about you, but I am a creature of habit and when my schedule has to change, it can take a little bit of time for me to adjust mentally to it. 

I share this with you today in case you relate. I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

Years ago a dear friend gifted me the words above, "Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape."  I love this gift and have these words where I can see them daily as a reminder to be flexible. For it is better to be more like an elastic band, than a pencil for when a pencil is bent is breaks, but an elastic band remains intact. I want to bend, not break.

How about you?

As we adjust to summer schedules, or whatever you may be adjusting to, may we ask God for wisdom on where we need to be more flexible, and a willing heart to bend, so we don't break;-)

With love and hope,


Set your minds on things that are above,
not on things that are on earth.

- Colossians 3:2

You are Stronger than the Current

For Father's Day yesterday, Stephen wanted to go kayaking as a family on the Farmington River for part of the day. As we were paddling upstream, at one point Matt said, "the current is strong."  I found myself immediately replying, "you are stronger than the current." I am not sure if Matt even heard me but he went on paddling strong never mentioning the strength of the current again.

After I said those words to Matt I knew that message didn't just apply to Matt paddling on the river. I realized how "being stronger than the current" applied to me, and to you. 

Recently I have been reading a book given to me by a friend, The Way of the Seal. The book shares eight principles to help develop mental strength and leadership skills like a SEAL. One of the lessons the SEALS are taught early in training is that they are 20 times more capable than what they think or believe they are.

When I heard Matt say the current was strong, he didn't say he was weak - but that is what I heard - which is why I said what I said.  When I thought he was saying he was weak, all I wanted for him was to tap into the depths of his mind, and God-given strengths, and discover he was stronger than the current.

Isn't God saying the same thing to me, and to you, everyday?

Each of us is going against some current in our lives, or the current is trying to determine our direction. God is watching us, like I was watching Matt, and saying that we are stronger than the current.  He is hopeful that we will tap into the strength within He has given us, so we too will see what we are capable of.

As we enter this week, let's take a moment to acknowledge a current in our lives we are up against.  Then may we take time to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we trust that God is stronger than the current and be willing to turn to Him for guidance and strength. May we, like Matt and the SEALS, recognize that we were made stronger than we often give ourselves credit for. Instead of allowing the current to determine our direction, may we tap into the depths of our God-given abilities and strength so we can grow deeper into the people He made us to be.

With love and hope,


P.S. For more encouragement this week, listen to the NEW PODCAST EPISODE AVAILABLE BELOW!!!

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid,
but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

- 2 Timothy 1:7

Happy Father's Day!

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the Dad's in our Live from the Inside Out™ community!

On Father's Day, as I think my Dad, I have thought about the many life lessons he has taught me. I shared a number of those lessons with him as a thank you. I thought I would share some of them with you too in case what my Dad has taught me may bless you too.  Here are:

10 life lessons I’ve learned from my Dad

1. God is always there for you.

  • My Dad's faith has carried him through his life, from losing his Dad at the age of 7 through many other life trials. He has always leaned into God and trusted all would be well, in time.  He would tell me the same but it was hard to believe until I started to lean into God and trust him myself. God is always there for us, we need to lean in and trust in Him, and His timing.

2. Take care of your loved ones.

  • I grew up with my Nane, my Dad's Mom, living with us. Taking care of your loved ones wasn't just something my Dad talked about, I saw he truly believed it when he lived it out by having his Mom live with us, and later in life had my other Grandparents move in with him and my Mom.  Being willing to care for our loved ones is a gift, not only for those who are being cared for, but for our hearts as well.

3. It's who you are and what you do with what you have that matters.

  • My Dad wasn't raised with much but that never stopped him from going after what he wanted, from a strong family to a successful career. He used his God-given gifts and showed me that it's not our circumstances that define us but our choice of attitude and character that will determine our direction in life. May we remember we are children of God, let's tap into the gifts He's given us and use them wisely.

4. Never say you can't.

  • My Dad loved to read and listen to inspirational authors and speakers. One time he had me listen to one speaker who talked about how the word 'can't' inhibits us from succeeding in life, and how our mindset matters. After listening to that with my Dad, he said I wasn't allowed to say the word "can't." I find myself saying the same thing to my kids these days, which I am sure drives them nuts like I felt when my Dad told me that. But now on the other side, I trust some day my kids will appreciate this lesson like I do. May we trust we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).

5. Hard work and perseverance pay off.

  • My Dad has a strong work ethic. From a young age he knew things weren't going to be just handed to him and that he was going to have to work and persevere to get what he wanted and where he wanted to go in life. A recent example of this is how he woke up one morning in retirement having had a dream. He wrote down all the details from the dream and then realized it was a book. He has now published two books and is working on his third. If you like historical fiction books, check out his books HERE.  May we also be willing to work hard and persevere when God puts something on our hearts.

6. Family meetings and to-do lists are beneficial.

  • I grew up with my Dad insisting I have a steno pad and that I write down my to-do list for the day to help organize my mind. He and my mom also held family meetings. As a kid both of these tasks seemed like unnecessary things to do. Yet now as an adult, I continue to write down my to-do list daily and we have weekly family meetings in now thanks to my Dad's example.  May we recognize some things we are taught by our parents, or God, may not make sense that day, but may in time.

7. Build others up.

  • Whether it was playing basketball, going for my degrees in school, writing or speaking, my Dad has always encouraged me. He's never told me I couldn't do something I was passionate about and has been one of my top cheerleaders in life, along with my Mom. His encouragement has made me want to do the same for my loved ones, and others. May we also be willing to use our words to build others up into who God made them to be.

8. Be willing to speak hard truths when needed.

  • My Dad was that person who would tell me the things I didn't want to hear, but needed to. He set firm boundaries yet I see now how the hard truth he spoke was the refiners fire and helped me become who I am.  All he said was out of love, and to draw out the potential he saw in me.  May we be willing to speak hard truths to others as well.

9. Show up for others. 

  • My Dad had just arrived in Alabama to visit his sister when I called and shared with him and my mom my diagnosis. Without hesitation, he and my Mom turned the car right around and came to be by our side. May we see the difference between where we want to be and where we need to be and be willing to show up where we need to be.

10. Serve others.

  • Many times in life I have watched my Dad serve others for no reason other than it was what he believed he was supposed to do. From helping a gentleman at church who had special needs to serving food at a local homeless shelter, I have watched my Dad treat people with dignity and respect no matter their circumstances.  May he inspire us all to do the same and serve others with joyful hearts, expecting nothing in return.

*Bonus* A good hug lasts long after you've let go.  

  • My Dad gives the best hugs and I get my love of hugging from him. I realized when my parents moved out of town how much I appreciate his company, and hugs. I may not get his hugs as often as I use to but I always treasure them when I do, and know his love will always be with me, no matter how close or far apart we are. May we treasure the gift of time with our loved ones and let the love they give be captured in our hearts, and souls.


Thank you to my Dad, Stephen, my father-in-law, and all the Dads out there who are loving your families well and for the wise lessons you are passing along to your children. May God bless you and your role as a Dad!

With gratitude and respect,

Start children off on the way they should go,

and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

- Proverbs 22:6

The Gift of Stillness and Silence

Recently I took Matt fishing at out favorite spot in town. I love to stand back and watch Matt. As he sat in stillness and silence, I thought about how that is so hard for so many of us to do that these days. Being content in stillness and silence are beneficial life skills. In order to grow stronger in them, we need to put them into practice. With all that is calling our attention, taking time to be still and silent may not be a priority.

Yet it's never in the busyness, the rushing around, the craziness of doing that gives us clarity, perspective, and peace. It is in the stillness, the silence, the quiet, the calm where we create enough margin to grow these qualities within.

As many of us wrap up the school year, and all of us step towards summer, may we take time to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we make a point of scheduling time in our day, and our week, to be still and silent with God. May this time with God help us grow content in stillness and silence and be a time of rest and renewal for our hearts, minds and souls. May this time in stillness and silence help us gain clarity and perspective for our days. And may we, like Matt, experience rest in our souls by being, instead of doing.

With love and hope,


He makes me lie down in green pastures,

he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. -Psalm 23:2-3

We Can Start Over Whenever We Choose

One night a couple of weeks ago I had to take one of my kids to the ER. Thankfully all was well though we didn’t get to bed that night until 3 am. The next day I was just off from the lack of sleep. I am a creature of habit and my morning routine helps me fuel up so I am able to be more outward facing throughout my day. Well, that morning I slept a little later than normal which made me missed part of my morning routine. I tried to go about my day but I was off. I thought, “well, I will just write today off and start fresh tomorrow.”  

Do you ever think that too?

I feel like I can do that to myself when I am off, just think I will press reset the next day, or if it’s close to the weekend, I decide I will reset on Monday.

Can you relate?

That day though I chose something different. I chose to press reset that day. I prayed and asked God to renew my thoughts and perspective and to help me not right off that day.  That afternoon I decided to go through my morning routine to help me get back on track, which includes my prayer and meditation time, a workout and a nourishing meal. It was interesting to me to see that I was able to reset my mind that afternoon and that I didn’t have to wait until the next day, or the following Monday.

I share this with you in case you too can have off days and can write off the day you are in, like I can.  I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

Sometimes we will need a day to just be off. Let’s give ourselves grace and space for those days. Yet, may we consider that every moment is an opportunity for us to start over, whether it be with our daily routine, or something else we need to begin again. May we invite God into the conversation in our minds, and trust that He will equip us with what we need to begin again and help us through, refreshing our souls, from the inside out.

With love and hope,



“Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!”

- Isaiah 43:18-19

God Is Our Guiding Light

If you live in New England, you’ve experience what we have here in Connecticut this past week, with the wave of smoke coming through from the Canadian fires. 

Though the smoke distrupted our week, with end of the year school activities and sports getting cancelled due to poor air quality, life continued on as normal otherwise.

One day last week Gavin showed me a picture of NYC and there was a blanket of orange over the city due to the smoke from the fires. I not only saw the cloudy, orange haze that covered the city but I also saw that the sunlight had made its way through the thick air, still providing light for the people walking along the streets.

When I saw this, it made me see that even through the thick smoke, the sun was still shining, providing a guiding light to the people in the city. This made me pause as sometimes in life it can feel like a thick cloud is lingering over me, and right now is one of those times for me. Yet even when there is a haziness covering our days, God’s love is available for me to use as a guiding light to help me through.

I share this with you today in case you can relate to experiencing these hazy days, weeks, or seasons we can go through. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

Like the sun was able to break through the thick, hazy smoke in the city last week, may we trust that God and His Word are that strong light in our lives. Through the thoughts, or circumstances, that cloud our minds or lives, God is able to shine light through the thick haze. May we draw close to God and His Word so they can be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path; like the sun was to the people in the city last week.

With love and hope,


Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. - Psalm 119:105